The Timelessness of Kiddie Books

To all the bookworms, bibliophiles and avid readers, here’s an interesting question. What is the first book you remember reading? Considering how far back one may have to jog their memory, locating an answer might be difficult. Nevertheless, I’ll attempt a guess. A considerable population of readers began their journey with a children’s book – or as I enjoy referring to: kiddie books.

It is safe to say that umpteen readers across various generations have been raised on kiddie books. And why not? These books have not only nurtured a love for reading amongst millions but are also consistently revisited by readers of all ages. 

A simple glance, a light skim, and suddenly you are jogging down memory lane with some of your favourite books springing up along the path. 

The trademark kaleidoscopic covers, adorned by enticing characters and sceneries.

Fonts that seem so familiar as one grows up, yet are completely unique to the book.

Illustrations lining the pages that fuel the imagination, as readers temporarily transcend couches, chairs and beds and join the characters along their adventures (or misadventures!). 

Dialogues that unfailingly evoke distinct voices of characters within the reader’s mind. 

Speech and thought bubbles in comic books, always provide a sense of relatability to the characters and storyline. 

And so much more! 

There’s nothing quite like the pure, unadulterated joy of wolfing down a kiddie book eagerly, only to feast upon the next one! I firmly believe that reading such books, especially during one’s childhood not only makes life interesting, but also proves to be most useful as time passes. 

Personally, my love for writing was cultivated through my unquenchable appetite for reading. I attempted (on several occasions and rather unsuccessfully) to pen down children’s stories by taking generous doses of inspiration from some of my favourite authors. While my storytelling endeavours took a backseat, I discovered the joy of writing – the rest is history. 

I also understood the sheer power of great storytelling. Be it an Enid Blyton classic, Sudha Murthy’s short stories, the colourful panels of Tinkle, Archies and Amar Chitra Katha or one of Roald Dahl’s engrossing reads, a great story summons variegated emotions. Oodles of laughter, shocked gasps, shrieks of excitement, a tear or two, wondrous sighs – it is always a roller-coaster ride with a kiddie book in hand. 

This may sound excruciatingly cliched, but I have travelled the length and breadth of various dimensions through these books. I have teleported across cruises, quaint towns in England, cities across India, American high schools, beautiful mountainsides, a gargantuan chocolate factory and countless other settings. 

Being the quintessential nose-firmly-lodged-between-the-pages bookworm, my childhood outings were incomplete without a book – be it a vacation, a party, or a dinner. And while I began exploring novels and literature of different genres with the passing of time, I never strayed too far from my kiddie books. 

Through good times – and especially bad – I could consistently count on those books to enclose a protective bubble around me, filled to the brim with happiness, unbridled imagination and a break from reality. No exaggeration, many of the kiddie books have been my constant and closest companions through the years; and still are. 

Apart from that, they are just so easy to read! Trust me, this factor can be of tremendous aid to struggling readers. Unfortunately, as I grew up, my reading abilities experienced scores of slumps. I’m sure that if young Krishna Barot ever caught a glimpse of her future self, she would regard me with utter, blatant disdain. To overcome these slumps, I often revisited my kiddie book collection. Being able to finish those books within an hour always injected a confidence booster – motivating me to maintain the flow and continue reading. 

I have often been questioned as to why I revisit these books. To that, I pose the question, why do people always rewatch certain movies and shows? For sheer comfort, of course! Happy, sad, bored, low or lazy, one can forever turn to their comfort books (and shows), shedding aside all preoccupations of the day. With kiddie books, there is no need to introspect, analyze or delve into greater meanings. One simply reads and enjoys. This can be so important, especially as we grow and shoulder more responsibilities. It’s okay if you haven’t paid undivided attention to the book or missed a few lines – it won’t judge you. 

And so, I am well aware that my future library will have an abundant populace of kiddie books. Bonding over favourite childhood authors is an activity I take immense joy in when conversing with people. I find absolutely no shame in stating that my literary rendezvous are often with colourful storybooks – for they have impacted my current reading habits, writing endeavours and several aspects of my personality.

Do yourself a favour the next time you want to read. Pick up a kiddie book. Be it from your existing collection or a completely new one, I can guarantee that it will be a very pleasant walk down memory lane. 

Some of my favourite kiddie books and authors:

Have any beloved kiddie books or authors you want to share? Let me know in the comments! 


  1. We do share a connection! A random find in the primary school library took me back to all the books I read while growing up. Even the memories were magical. The book I found I hugged like it were an old friend! It just reminded me what a book lover I was and am! Loved reading your piece as always…makes me so much happier to have known you! Great words and greater emotions!


  2. Comment- Wow!what an interesting topic …absolutely amazed me..which throws back to me in my childhood days.Loved to read those books in the library..Great Article written by you always! Keep on writing..Keep on inspiring everyone!


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